The Homeodynamic Bowen is extremely effective and versatile.
It includes five modalities in one:
The Reiki is used in the treatment and it assists us to find the trigger points (similar to the ones of Shiatsu, Acupuncture and Reflexology), over which we apply the Bowen moves to obtain the myofascial release. The technique is applicable in sport to improve the performance or manage injuries. We use kinesiology principles to reset the mind-body system and find a new homeodynamic balance.
This method treats the person as a whole and complex system, it works on all levels and it is so powerful it can make the treatment an introspective experience that can change a person’s life.
A fundamental aspect of the healing process is the acquisition of awareness of the conditions in our body and the importance to take responsability for its improvement: the session becomes an educational moment where the feedbacks from the nervous system in answer to each perceived stimuli are received and interpreted awarely.